The 19 Best Neil Gaiman Books, According to Goodreads Reviewers

May 2024 · 1 minute read

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Neil Gaiman is an influential storyteller who has won numerous awards for his work — from the Hugo and Nebula Awards to the 2013 British National Book of the Year Award—  and was the first author to win both the Newbery and Carnegie medal for one book. Neil Gaiman, like many writers, also teaches a writing MasterClass where he unpacks his storytelling process.

To rank Neil Gaiman's most popular books, we used reviews from Goodreads members. Goodreads is the world's largest platform where over 125 million readers can rate, review, and recommend their favorite novels to friends and the community. Whether you're looking for your first Neil Gaiman story or itching for a new fantastical tale, here are the most popular Neil Gaiman novels, as ranked by Goodreads reviewers. 

The 19 best Neil Gaiman books, according to Goodreads members:
