What is Barbara Goodsons name and role in Power Rangers?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Barbara Goodson

American voice actress Barbara Goodson has performed voice-overs for cartoons and television programs. Her most well-known performance was as Empress Rita Repulsa in the English dub of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise, which also included Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, and Power Rangers in Space.

She has also played Prince Sprocket, Orbus, and Mandilok in Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers Wild Force, respectively.

She also provided the voices for Ladyborg in Beetleborgs Metallix, Red Fraggle and Wingnut in Jim Henson’s animated film Fraggle Rock, and Mother Talzin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, for which she received a Best Actress nomination from the website Behind The Voice Actors.

What is Barbara Goodson’s name and role in Power Rangers?

Her most well-known performance was as Empress Rita Repulsa in the English dub of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise, which also included Power Rangers Zeo, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, and Power Rangers in Space.

Brooklyn, New York, is where Goodson was born. She was born and raised in New Jersey, although she and her husband, Bruce Gustafson, currently reside in Santa Monica, California.
