Mina Kimes' hilarious Mila Kunis response to ethnic slur

May 2024 · 2 minute read

ESPN senior writer Mina Kimes was called a racial slur by a Boston sports radio talk show host on Wednesday, and the journalist responded in the best way possible.

Chris Curtis, executive producer of WEEI's “The Greg Hill Show,” referred to Mina Kimes as a “nip” during a segment discussing Boston City Council's preparations to ban small liquor bottles, which are also commonly called nips.

Curtis is understandably under fire for the racist comment, and later tried to defend himself by saying he was referring to Mila Kunis, rather than Mina Kimes. In response, Kimes changed her Twitter profile picture to the actual Mila Kunis:

.@minakimes remains undefeated pic.twitter.com/FvBT4AWCry

— Ben Baby (@Ben_Baby) March 22, 2023

It's a hilarious way to clap back at the host, without needing to use any words at all.

“Co-hosts Greg Hill, Jermaine Wiggins and Courtney Cox were discussing their ‘top five nips' as the Boston City Council prepares to discuss a possible ban on ‘nips' – small liquor bottles – because they are too small to be recycled and are often littered,” wrote Cydney Henderson of USA Today.

“Skrewball, Dr. McGillicuddy’s and Fireball were named, when executive producer and on-air personality Chris Curtis interjected, ‘I'd probably go Mina Kimes.'”

Nip is considered an ethnic slur against people of Japanese descent and origin, according to Michael M. Ego, a Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Connecticut. Nimes is of Korean descent.

ESPN responded in a statement to USA Today, calling the comments “uncalled for and extremely offensive…there is no place for these type of hateful comments.”

Curtis apologized on Thursday on another segment of the show, while confirming he had been suspended until next Wednesday: “So I want to apologize to Mina Kimes, I want to apologize for the stupid, lame attempt at a joke. It was something that there's just really no other way to put it…it was dumb and it was silly.”

Kimes hasn't officially responded to Curtis' comments, but based on her hilarious clap back and his subsequent apology, it doesn't seem like she needs to.
