Johnny Depps Fake Decapitated Head Was on The Walking Dead Last Night

May 2024 · 1 minute read
No Johnny Depps were harmed in the making of this episode.

Did you notice that The Walking Dead pretended to chop Johnny Depp’s head off last night? Well, yes, we know that everything on The Walking Dead is pretend, but bear with us here. As producer Greg Nicotero told EW, one of the decapitated heads seen in Sunday’s episode was based off the Deppster himself: “I think we had sculpted an emaciated version of a dummy head for something and we used Johnny Depp’s head as a basis just for a clay sculpt.” Nicotero added that he didn’t know if spilling the beans was going to get him “in trouble,” but he’s probably safe, as Game of Thrones already used up our decade’s quota of dummy-head outrage way back in 2012.

The Walking Dead Decapitated a Fake Johnny Depp
