I'm a plastic surgeon & these are the weirdest things Ive seen - one woman had concrete in her bu

May 2024 · 6 minute read

A PLASTIC surgeon has revealed some of the craziest things he’s seen in his career, including concrete in a patient's body from a botched butt lift and removing implants that were 45 years old.

Jerry Chidester, 40, known as "The Dancing Surgeon" on TikTok has built a following of over 40,500 fans thanks to his eye-opening videos.

He originally started out as a hand surgeon in 2008 and later made a name for himself giving 'mommy makeovers' to women in the Mormon community of Salt Lake City, Utah.

A mommy makeover usually consists of a breast lift, breast augmentation to add back volume lost after breastfeeding, a tummy tuck and skin or scar removal, and may also include liposuction and labiaplasty.

“I love doing mommy makeovers, or as I like to call it a ‘mommy takeover’ because it sounds more empowering in my mind –  women taking back control or taking over control of their body after having children," the surgeon, who was born in Chicago, told Jam Press.

“Many of my clients are young mothers who have had children very young – four, five or even six kids – and their bodies are just destroyed.

“It’s not just about vanity but it's also the functional benefit that women get from it and how happy they are after it, restoring their body to how it was before kids.

“They can work out again and even intercourse is better for them.”

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Dr Chiddy estimates that he has helped over 500 women reclaim their bodies over the last two years, and he currently has a two-year waiting list for anyone seeking his expertise.

When he's not helping mums, the dad-of-three does also does face lifts, rhinoplasties, hand surgeries, eye lifts and more.

During his career, the dad-of-three has seen a number of fascinating things on the operating table and inside the human body.

One such experience was a surgery with an elderly patient who had been left with a set of fake breasts for 45 years.

In a recent TikTok video that is not for the faint-hearted, he shows his followers exactly what the implants look like.


Dr Chiddy said: “This particular patient was in her 60s or 70s and she had got them when she was quite young.

“Back then, when she had them done, the surgeons would just say ‘leave them in, they’ll be fine’ but today, in the US for example, you have to tell all patients that they are not permanent devices and they’re only good for 10 to 15 years.

“Thankfully she didn’t actually have much pain but they were hard to the touch and they didn’t look good.

“I’ve never seen mould or anything like that and they don't smell but the body will sometimes calcify around the implants.

“You know how you get in your drains or kettle, our arteries can calcify and become blocked.

"I have seen and heard about a lot of horrible stuff, thankfully not in my practice but when I was doing my training and in other places."

Working as a hand surgeon, Dr Chiddy has also witnessed gruesome things in the operating theatre.

He said: “I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff.

“I once had a patient shoot himself with a crossbow and it went straight through his arm.

“I had to cut every structure in his arm to get it out, it took six hours to get everything fixed but he got back almost all function.

“I’ve also seen patients with horrible complications following ‘medical tourism’ out of the country or even within the US that had botched tummy tuck work done that required significant revision work.

“One patient in her 80s had necrotising fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria) where in order to save the woman’s life I had to amputate her entire arm near her shoulder.”

Although his work is very varied, there's one particular surgery he will never do.

Dr Chiddy said: “Personally, I don’t do buttock implants – I don’t think they’re safe, they can cause a lot of issues.

"Extreme BBLs are crazy to me and a lot of the time, surgeons aren’t even injecting fat.

"People inject all sorts of silicone variants and so women are finding bargain ways to get a procedure that can be dangerous to their health.

"When I was training in California, I once removed cement from someone’s butt. It was so hard to get it out.

“Body dysmorphia is rampant in plastic surgery.

“I always tell patients, we’re never going to receive perfect symmetry, we’re never going to achieve this perfect thing.

You can look great and that's what we’re going to do but not at the expense of your mental health and well-being.

“You can look great and that's what we’re going to do but not at the expense of your mental health and well-being."

Dr Chiddy and his wife Mindee, also 40, have run a practice together for two years, where she works as a manager.

The couple are high school sweethearts who met when they were both just 17, before marrying aged 22.

They have three children together – Tayden, 12, Mylee, 10, and McKay, five – and this January marks their 18th wedding anniversary.

He said: “It’s a family affair at work; Mindee is in charge and that’s the way I like it.

“My wife and I are also very open with our kids about what we do.

“The approach I take when talking to them about it is that I’m helping men and women restore their form rather than trying to recreate an unobtainable look."

"It's about educating people.

"During lockdown, people were craving knowledge but had nothing to do and my videos blew up.

“I’m now booked out from social media enquiries alone for the next two years."

Despite the joy Dr Chiddy gets from his mommy makeovers, his favourite surgeries has been from working with children as a hand surgeon.

He added: “Some children are born without thumbs on their hands, so they can’t oppose or grab things.

“When I was doing a lot of hand surgery we would do an operation called a pollicization, where we take the index finger and turn it into a thumb.

“One of my favourite things is to be able to follow these patients on Facebook and see how they can use their hands and live a normal life.

“That’s the most rewarding thing to me.”

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