The Celebrity Who Crashed A Party At Kate Hudson's House

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

During a 2020 interview on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," the "How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days" starlet and her brother shared tidbits about the secret parties they started throwing as tweens. On a heartwarming note, their ragers were a testament to how their sibling bond evolved. Only when the duo reached their late teens and became "old enough to like each other's friends," things became "real good" between them, according to Kate.

During a particular evening, the duo started throwing things together for a night of fun. However, the situation got a little out of hand as more and more people poured in. "I'm standing at the door, making sure people who aren't supposed to be at the party aren't coming in," Hudson told DeGeneres. "There's like, 400 hundred people at my parents' house. I'm kind of freaking out a little bit. The control freak in me is like, 'this is not okay.'"

Suddenly, Hudson spotted an uninvited guest who was determined to join the crowds at her house. "And I see someone scaling, just literally scaling an eight-foot gate at my parents' house," Hudson said. "I'm freaking out. And they come off, they do a back handspring thing and pose down. I'm about to yell at this guy, and it's Tom Cruise!" Say what!
