Secrets Of Astrology, Numerology, And Spirituality Revealed

May 2024 ยท 17 minute read

Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Her work has gained her a large following worldwide.

Thibes' astrological approach is based on a combination of traditional techniques with her own intuitive insights. She uses her knowledge of planetary movements, zodiac signs, and other astrological factors to provide guidance and support to her clients. She is also an expert in numerology, tarot card reading, and other divination methods.

Thibes has written several books and articles on astrology and spirituality. She has also appeared on numerous television and radio shows, sharing her insights and predictions with the public. Her work has helped many people to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

viviane thibes

Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Her work has gained her a large following worldwide.

Key Aspects of Viviane Thibes' Work

Thibes' work is based on a deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her gifts to help people find their way through life's challenges and achieve their full potential.


Astrology is a key component of Viviane Thibes' work. She uses her knowledge of planetary movements, zodiac signs, and other astrological factors to provide guidance and support to her clients. Thibes believes that the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth can provide insights into their personality, life path, and potential.

Thibes' astrological work is based on a deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her gifts to help people find their way through life's challenges and achieve their full potential.


Numerology is a key component of Viviane Thibes' work. She uses her knowledge of numbers and their vibrations to provide guidance and support to her clients. Thibes believes that the numbers in a person's life, such as their birth date, name, and life path number, can provide insights into their personality, life path, and potential.

Thibes' numerology work is based on a deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her gifts to help people find their way through life's challenges and achieve their full potential.

Tarot Card Reading

Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Tarot card reading is one of the many tools that Thibes uses to provide guidance and support to her clients.

Thibes believes that tarot cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. She uses the cards to help her clients understand their strengths and weaknesses, their life path, and their potential. Thibes also uses tarot cards to provide insights into global events. She believes that the cards can provide a glimpse into the future and help us to understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Thibes' tarot card readings are based on her deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her gifts to help people find their way through life's challenges and achieve their full potential.

Here are some examples of how Thibes uses tarot cards to provide insights into personal and global events:

Thibes' tarot card readings are a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth. They can also provide insights into global events and help us to understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance is a key component of Viviane Thibes' work. She uses her gifts to help people connect with their inner selves, find their purpose in life, and overcome challenges.

Thibes believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their full potential. She uses her spiritual guidance to help people identify their strengths and weaknesses, and to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Thibes also helps people to connect with their inner wisdom and to find their own unique path in life.

Thibes' spiritual guidance is based on her deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her gifts to help people find their way through life's challenges and achieve their full potential.

Here are some examples of how Thibes uses spiritual guidance to help people:

Thibes' spiritual guidance is a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth. It can help people to find their purpose in life, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.


Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Thibes uses a combination of astrology, numerology, and intuition to make her predictions.

Thibes' predictions are based on her deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She uses her knowledge of astrology to identify planetary patterns and cycles that can influence personal and global events. She also uses numerology to analyze the vibrations of numbers and their impact on people's lives. Finally, Thibes uses her intuition to connect with her inner wisdom and to receive guidance from her spirit guides.

Thibes' predictions have helped many people to make informed decisions about their lives. She has also helped to raise awareness of the importance of astrology and numerology as tools for self-discovery and personal growth.

Here are some examples of Thibes' accurate predictions:

Thibes' predictions are not always accurate, but they are often insightful and thought-provoking. They can help us to understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and to make informed decisions about our lives.


Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Thibes is also a gifted teacher, and she has taught astrology, numerology, and tarot card reading to students around the world.

Thibes' teaching is based on her deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. She believes that everyone has the potential to develop their psychic abilities and to use them to help themselves and others. Thibes' teaching is also based on her extensive experience as a professional astrologer, numerologist, and tarot card reader.

Thibes' students come from all walks of life, and they all have different reasons for wanting to learn about astrology, numerology, and tarot card reading. Some students are interested in using these tools for self-discovery and personal growth. Others are interested in using them to help others. Regardless of their reasons, Thibes' students all share a common goal: to learn how to use these tools to make a positive impact on the world.

Thibes' teaching has had a profound impact on her students' lives. Many of her students have gone on to become successful astrologers, numerologists, and tarot card readers. Others have used their knowledge to help themselves and others through difficult times. Thibes' teaching is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning about astrology, numerology, and tarot card reading.


Viviane Thibes is a renowned Brazilian astrologer, psychic, and spiritual guide. She is known for her accurate predictions and insights into personal and global events. Thibes has also written several books and articles on astrology and spirituality.

Thibes' writing is based on her deep understanding of the human psyche and the interconnectedness of all things. Her books and articles provide insights into astrology, numerology, tarot card reading, and other spiritual practices. Thibes' writing is also a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about spirituality and personal growth.

Thibes' books and articles have been translated into many languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. Her writing has helped to raise awareness of the importance of astrology and numerology as tools for self-discovery and personal growth.

Media Appearances

Viviane Thibes' media appearances have significantly contributed to her recognition and impact. Through television and radio shows, she has reached a wider audience, sharing her astrological insights, predictions, and spiritual guidance.

In summary, Viviane Thibes' media appearances are an integral part of her work. They have allowed her to share her knowledge, connect with a global audience, and positively influence cultural perceptions and individual lives.

Global Impact

Viviane Thibes' work has had a profound global impact, empowering individuals worldwide to unlock their potential and navigate the complexities of life. Her unique approach to astrology, numerology, and tarot card reading has resonated with people from all walks of life, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries.

Thibes' teachings provide a framework for self-discovery, enabling individuals to gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and life paths. By understanding the cosmic influences shaping their lives, people can make more informed decisions, embrace their unique talents, and cultivate a sense of purpose. This understanding fosters personal growth, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges.

Moreover, Thibes' work has inspired a resurgence of interest in astrology and spirituality on a global scale. Her accessible and empowering approach has made these ancient practices more approachable and relevant to contemporary life. By bridging the gap between the spiritual and the mundane, Thibes has encouraged individuals to explore their inner selves and connect with the universe.

The global impact of Thibes' work is evident in the countless lives she has touched. Her insights have guided individuals through personal crises, provided solace during challenging times, and ignited a passion for personal growth and spiritual exploration. By empowering people with a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe, Thibes has fostered a more conscious and connected global community.

Viviane Thibes

This section provides answers to some of the most common questions and misconceptions surrounding Viviane Thibes and her work in astrology, numerology, and spirituality.

Question 1: Is astrology a valid science?

While astrology is not considered a scientific discipline in the traditional sense, it has been practiced for centuries and has a rich history and cultural significance. Thibes approaches astrology as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, rather than as a means of predicting the future.

Question 2: Can numerology accurately predict my life path?

Numerology is a system that assigns numerical values to letters and names, and it can provide insights into an individual's personality, strengths, and potential. However, it is important to note that numerology should not be used as a sole predictor of life events, as it is just one aspect of a person's overall life experience.

Question 3: Are tarot card readings reliable?

Tarot card readings can be a valuable tool for gaining insights into personal situations and potential outcomes. However, it is important to remember that tarot cards are not a definitive predictor of the future, and their interpretation can vary depending on the reader's skills and the individual's own beliefs and experiences.

Question 4: Is Viviane Thibes a psychic?

While Thibes has a strong intuition and a deep understanding of human nature, she does not claim to be a psychic in the traditional sense. Her insights and predictions are based on her knowledge of astrology, numerology, and tarot card reading, combined with her own personal experiences and spiritual beliefs.

Question 5: Can Thibes' predictions be trusted?

Thibes' predictions are based on her extensive knowledge and experience, but they should not be taken as absolute truths. Predictions can be influenced by a variety of factors, and it is ultimately up to the individual to decide how much weight to give to them.

Question 6: What is the most important thing to remember about Thibes' work?

The most important thing to remember about Thibes' work is that it is intended to empower individuals on their own personal journeys. Her insights and guidance are meant to help people understand themselves better, make informed decisions, and live more fulfilling lives.

Ultimately, whether or not you choose to incorporate Thibes' work into your life is a personal decision. It is important to approach her teachings with an open mind and a willingness to explore your own beliefs and experiences.

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In the next section, we will explore the techniques and methods used by Viviane Thibes in her work as an astrologer, numerologist, and tarot card reader.

Tips by Viviane Thibes

Viviane Thibes, the renowned Brazilian astrologer, numerologist, and spiritual guide, offers valuable insights and guidance to help individuals navigate life's challenges and achieve personal growth. Here are some key tips from her work:

Tip 1: Embrace Self-Awareness

Thibes emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself on a deep level. By exploring your astrological chart, numerological profile, and tarot card readings, you can gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and life path. This self-awareness empowers you to make informed decisions and live in greater harmony with your true nature.

Tip 2: Connect with Your Intuition

Thibes encourages individuals to cultivate their intuition and inner wisdom. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and dreams, as they can provide valuable guidance. Meditation and other mindfulness practices can help you strengthen your connection with your intuition and make more intuitive choices.

Tip 3: Embrace Challenges as Opportunities

Thibes teaches that challenges are an integral part of life and can serve as opportunities for growth. By embracing challenges with a positive mindset, you can develop resilience, learn valuable lessons, and emerge stronger than before.

Tip 4: Live in the Present Moment

Thibes emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future can hinder your ability to appreciate the present and create a fulfilling life. Focus on the here and now, and practice gratitude for the blessings in your life.

Tip 5: Seek Balance and Harmony

Thibes believes that balance and harmony are essential for well-being. Strive to create a harmonious environment in all aspects of your life, including your relationships, work, and spiritual practices. When you live in balance, you are better equipped to handle life's ups and downs and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Tip 6: Trust Your Inner Guidance

Above all, Thibes encourages individuals to trust their inner guidance. While external advice and insights can be valuable, ultimately, the best decisions come from within. Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, and have faith in your ability to navigate your own life path.


Viviane Thibes' tips empower individuals to take an active role in their personal growth and well-being. By embracing self-awareness, connecting with their intuition, and living in the present moment, individuals can unlock their full potential and create a more fulfilling life.

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In conclusion, Viviane Thibes' work provides a wealth of wisdom and guidance for those seeking to navigate the complexities of life. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can cultivate greater self-awareness, embrace challenges, and live a more harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Viviane Thibes

Viviane Thibes' work as an astrologer, numerologist, and spiritual guide has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals worldwide. Through her unique approach to these ancient practices, she empowers people to unlock their potential, navigate life's challenges, and live more fulfilling lives.

Thibes' emphasis on self-awareness, intuition, and living in the present moment provides a roadmap for personal growth and well-being. By embracing her teachings and incorporating her tips into daily life, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves, make informed decisions, and create a more harmonious and purposeful existence.

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