Police put up surveillance cameras at house where 'aliens landed'

May 2024 · 8 minute read

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Even the skeptical ex-cop who broke the story of the mysterious object that allegedly fell from the skies above Las Vegas just after midnight on May 1 and was the first to interview the family who claimed to see tall alien creatures with “big eyes” isn’t absolutely sure it’s a hoax.

What puzzles Doug Poppa is why the Homeland Security department of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department (LVMPD) installed video surveillance cameras outside the home after the incident.

Las Vegas podcaster Poppa, who usually focuses on corruption in the Las Vegas Metro Police Department and did numerous stories about the Mandalay Hotel mass shooting, first revealed on May 18 how police had received a report of aliens on May 1.

This is the surveillance system installed by police at the home where a 911 call revealed claims of an alien landing. Doug Poppa
Footage of police arriving at the house where a 911 call reported two alien creatures has turned the incident into an international phenomenon. 8 News NOW Las Vegas

He then interviewed the family twice in person, telling The Post that, although he doesn’t really believe in UFOs, he felt the family was somewhat credible.

But it was during a second visit to the home when he noticed the video surveillance cameras, which the family told him the cops installed – supposedly to protect them from UFO nuts that might come to their address and bother them.

“The mother told me they came out there and put up the cameras, supposedly to protect the family from people coming to bother them about the UFO,” Poppa told The Post.

“But I can tell you right now. Cops don’t come out and put up expensive video equipment up like that — and they certainly wouldn’t for someone calling in a report about a UFO.”

Body-cam footage from the LVMPD showed a suspected UFO soaring across the night sky before the family called in a report of something “100% not human” on their property was released June 7 by a small outfit called Vegas Blue Media, then rocketed to global attention two days later when a local station in Vegas, Channel 8 News, obtained it.

Angel Gomez, 16, has given his version of what happened on his new YouTube channel, claiming: “It was a gray, greenish color…. He had weird looking feet and a big face and eyes and a big mouth.” YouTube/ Alien Society51
Two non-human entities were seen on this Las Vegas property, witnesses claim. KLAS

A Vegas officer’s camera picked up the object at about 11:50 p.m. on April 30, and, according to the American Meteor Society, its flash was seen as far as Utah and California.

Approximately 39 minutes later, a member of the Gomez family made a chilling call to 911, saying that there were two unknown entities in their backyard after he and his family saw an object fall from of the sky.

“We just see in the corner of our eye something fall down from the sky, and it was with lights, and when it hit down there was like a big impact, and we felt like an energy? And then we hear like a lot of footsteps near us.

“And then – we have, like, big- a big equipment, and we see there’s a, there’s like an eight-foot person beside it and another one’s inside, and it has big eyes and it’s looking at us,” the caller told the 911 dispatcher. “They’re very large. They’re like eight foot, nine foot, 10 foot.”

“And they’re not human. One-hundred percent, they’re not human,” the caller adds.

Doug Poppa has interviewed the Gomez family twice in person and says he finds them credible. But, he says, it is the police installing surveillance cameras which gives the mystery a new dimension. Truth and Consequences with Doug Poppa/ Facebook

Angel Gomez, 16, who was in the backyard of his home with his brother “fixing a truck” when they claimed to have seen a blurry object fall from the sky and two tall creatures emerge, took to Youtube last week with his own explanation of what happened, and showed video of an object streaking across the sky as well as another video with the sound of something thudding or crashing.

His account also included what he said was his family reacting – while speaking Spanish – to what they had allegedly seen crash in their backyard.

Gomez said they couldn’t make out what the object was that he claims crashed in the yard – but a few minutes later saw something.

“It was a tall, skinny lengthy creature,” Gomez said. “It was a gray, greenish color and when I looked at it in the eyes my body just froze…. He had weird looking feet and a big face and eyes and a big mouth.”

Poppa said that he spoke to a neighbor who also heard a loud thud around the time the incident was reported.

The Las Vegas police log shows how dispatchers recorded details of the incident. KLAS

A LVMPD media spokesman told The Post Tuesday that they have no such thing as a “Homeland Security” department until it was pointed out to him that LVMPD lists a Homeland Security department on its website which is run by Deputy Chief Sasha Larkin.

The spokesman then said that they were preparing a statement about the surveillance cameras, which has not yet been emailed to The Post.

They did not respond to questions about why Marc Berry, a retired Las Vegas officer who is assisting with the investigation, told cable channel NewsNation Monday that cops only made one visit to the home when the family has claimed that two detectives came after the first two officers responded and two more cops subsequently made another visit.

The initial police response gave the family’s version of events credence. One of two officers who made the initial responding call to the family can be heard on bodycam footage that he was taking their claims seriously because another officer had seen something in the sky that matched the family’s description just eight minutes earlier.

The footage shows the family describing what they say then Angel Gomez pointing police to where he says he and his brother saw two apparent alien creatures after a light fell from the sky. 8 News NOW Las Vegas
The family claimed that a perfect circle left in gravel in their yard was evidence of the landing.

But after the footage went viral, more outlandish claims clouded what actually may have happened.

On Monday, Reuters debunked one video which showed a figure of an alien-type creature that had been digitally edited into a legitimate audio news report about the May 1 incident.

John Greenewald, 42, who runs the Black Vault archive and has been investigating what are now called UAPs – or “unidentified aerial phenomena” – since he was 15, said he doesn’t know if what the Vegas family claimed to have occurred May 1 is true or not.

But he said the viral story coincided nicely with last week’s report about David Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former intelligence official, claiming claimed the US government has been collecting intact extraterrestrial craft for decades as part of an alleged secret UFO retrieval program.

“Unfortunately all of this takes away from legitimate research,” Greenewald told The Post Tuesday.

“The provable reality of whatever it is out there is a lot less sexy to the media than these, sensationalized stories about alien bodies and reverse engineering,” Greenewald said. “The other stuff is snoozy but it’s what merits attention.”

“There is documented proof of material going back 70-plus years which is tied to what the Army used to call flying saucers,’ Greenewald claimed. “There are are documented incidents where there are unidentified phenomena that are going faster than all known aircraft at the time.”

David Grusch is the Air Force veteran who claims that he has turned over evidence of a covert program run by the government to collect “non-human origin technical vehicles.” NewsNation/Twitter

The Air Force veteran story was first reported June 5 by former New York Times reporter Ralph Blumenthal and freelancer Leslie Kean in The Debrief.

Grusch, 36, later told NewsNation he turned over “proof” of the alleged covert program to Congress and the inspector general of the Intelligence Community as part of a whistleblower complaint.

“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” Grusch said Monday of the so-called secret program’s alleged activities.

He also suggested that more than just vehicles were found, saying “dead pilots” had allegedly been discovered.

Greenewald suggests taking everything with the proverbial grain of salt.

“The general public wants to believe we’re in a new era of transparency but the documented evidence shows us the opposite,” Greenewald said. “The government has locked down releasing any UAP material when it comes to the Freedom of Information Act with the exception of what they released for the UAP hearings this year and last year. So you can take that for what you will.”
