Sulemana Abdul Samed Height: The Truth Behind The Ghanaian Giant

May 2024 · 4 minute read
 Sulemana Abdul Samed, also known as Awuche, is a 29-year-old man from northern Ghana who has attracted media attention for his extraordinary height. He is reportedly the tallest man in Ghana, and possibly the world, but his exact height is still a mystery. In this article, we will explore the facts and myths about Sulemana Abdul Samed height, and how it affects his life and health. ## Sulemana Abdul Samed Height: The Facts According to BBC News, Sulemana Abdul Samed was measured at a local hospital in Gambaga, where he lives with his older brother, during one of his regular check-ups for his condition[^1^][1]. The hospital staff were astonished to find out that he had reached the height of 9 feet 6 inches (2.89 meters), which would make him the tallest man in the world, surpassing the current record holder, Sultan Kosen from Turkey, who stands at 8 feet 2.8 inches (2.51 meters)[^2^][2]. However, there was a catch - the rural clinic did not have the proper measuring tools to verify his height, and they had to improvise with a pole and a stick[^1^][1]. Sulemana Abdul Samed himself was not sure if the measurement was accurate, and he agreed to be measured again by a BBC reporter who visited him a few months later[^1^][1]. Using a more reliable method of marking a wall and using a measuring tape, the reporter found out that Sulemana Abdul Samed was actually 7 feet 4 inches (223 cm) tall[^1^][1]. This is still an impressive height, but not enough to claim the world record. It is also consistent with his Wikipedia page, which cites several sources that estimate his height at around 7 feet 3 inches (221 cm)[^3^][3]. Sulemana Abdul Samed has a rare medical condition called acromegaly, which is caused by an excess of growth hormone in the body[^1^][1] [^3^][3]. This causes abnormal growth of the bones, especially in the hands, feet, and face. It also leads to various health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and joint pain[^4^][4]. Sulemana Abdul Samed has been receiving treatment for his condition, which involves injections and medication to reduce the production of growth hormone[^1^][1] . ## Sulemana Abdul Samed Height: The Myths Despite his verified height, there are still some myths and misconceptions about Sulemana Abdul Samed height that circulate online. Some of them are: - Sulemana Abdul Samed is still growing and will soon break the world record. This is unlikely, as his treatment has slowed down his growth rate, and he is already past the age of peak growth for most men[^1^][1] . He may still grow a few inches, but not enough to surpass Sultan Kosen. - Sulemana Abdul Samed is unhappy and lonely because of his height. This is not true, as he has a supportive family and friends who accept him for who he is[^1^][1] . He also has a positive outlook on life and hopes to find love and start a family someday . He enjoys playing football, farming, and fixing motorcycles, and he does not let his height stop him from pursuing his hobbies[^1^][1] . - Sulemana Abdul Samed is exploiting his height for fame and money. This is also false, as he has not sought any publicity or financial gain from his height[^1^][1] . He has turned down offers from local and international media outlets who wanted to interview him or feature him in documentaries. He has also declined invitations from Guinness World Records, who wanted to verify his height and potentially award him the title of the tallest man in the world. He said he is not interested in fame or money, and he just wants to live a normal life. ## Sulemana Abdul Samed Height: The Conclusion Sulemana Abdul Samed is a remarkable man who has a height of 7 feet 4 inches. This is not the tallest in the world, but it is still very rare and impressive. His height is caused by a medical condition that he is managing with treatment and care. He is not bothered by his height, and he lives a happy and fulfilling life. He is an inspiration for many people who face challenges and difficulties because of their physical appearance or health. Sources: - The Ghanaian giant reported to be the world's tallest man - BBC[^1^][1] - Sultan Kösen - Wikipedia[^2^][2] - Sulemana Abdul Samed - Wikipedia[^3^][3] - Acromegaly - NHS[^4^][4] - Ghana's tallest man, Sulemana Samed appeals for medical support - Citinewsroom - Meet Sulemana Abdul Samed, Ghana's Tallest Man At 7 Feet 4 Inches - NDTV - Ghana's tallest man reveals plans to get married and have children - GhanaWeb - 'Tallest man' Awuche commends Health Minister for intervening in his health condition; seeks more public support - MyJoyOnline ```.
